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NJ Gov Murphy Allowing Charter Fishing; Cherry Hill Doc Wins Kevin Hart Role; DE Phase 1 June 1 |
by: iradioal - Philadelphia, PA started: 05/16/20 11:21 pm | updated: 05/16/20 11:21 pm |
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed an executive order on Saturday, 5/16, that will allow for the resumption of charter fishing services and for-hire vessel activities, as well as other watercraft rentals, as long as those businesses abide by certain social distancing guidelines. They can reopen on Sunday, May 17 at 6 a.m. "Reopening charter fishing services and watercraft rental businesses restores an extremely important component of our Shore economy." said Governor Murphy. "The social distancing measures that we are putting in place will ensure that these businesses can sustain themselves while still adhering to public health guidance." See the executive order for details on all the social distancing restrictions and sanitation guidelines. Here are a few of the rules:
- reduced capacity to no more than 10 people on a vessel at any one time;
- electronic or telephone reservation and payment systems;
- no make-up or open boat trips;
- social distancing measures on the vessels and in waiting and boarding areas, including demarcation and signage;
- prohibiting sharing of fishing equipment, bait, and gear;
- limiting the use of nets or gaffs to the crew;
- infection control and hygiene practices;
- providing sanitization materials to passengers and crew;
- frequent sanitization of vessel and high-touch areas;
- the crew and passengers must wear a mask while aboard the vessel;
- prohibiting food and beverage service;
- briefing all passengers prior to embarking on social distancing, capacity limits, and hygiene requirements.
SEE: https://nj.gov/governor/news/news/562020/approved/20200516b.shtml
SEE EXECUTIVE ORDER: https://nj.gov/infobank/eo/056murphy/pdf/EO-146.pdf
A doctor from Cherry Hill who works on the frontlines of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has won a role in comedian Kevin Hart's next movie after participating in the "All-in Challenge" sweepstakes. Philadelphia-native Hart donated the movie star package to the "All-in Challenge," which includes a one line speaking role in the movie, plus A-list treatment like an assistant, trailer, 5-star hotel, and car service. Henry Law, an anesthesiologist, talked about his work, "When I go to work, it's hard to see patients that are scared and I'm the guy that's a lot of times the last person they talk to and see before they get intubated and that's heartbreaking at work. Then coming back home, it's hard to see so many people losing jobs and unemployed and because of that struggling to have efficient food for their family." Hart surprised Law on video chat telling him, "This is bigger than big. Henry, I want to congratulate you. You are winner! You will be in my next movie!"
The "All-in Challenge" was created by Michael Rubin, co-owner of the 76ers and founder of sports apparel manufacturer Fanatics, back in mid-April. Rubin also joined the video chat when he heard that Law was a big 76ers fan and congratulated him. The challenge is for sports stars, musicians, and celebrities to go "all-in" and donate their prized possessions or a once-in-a-lifetime fan experience. Some of the items are auctioned off at high prices while others are given away in sweepstakes that can cost as low as $10 to enter. More than 37,000 people have donated to the fundraiser raising more than $42 million for COVID-19 relief. Rubin has also turned his Easton, PA, Fanatics facility from a manufacturer of sports jerseys to masks and gowns for healthcare workers.
SEE MORE All-in-Challenge Auctions/Sweepstakes: http://allinchallenge.com
Delaware Governor John Carney announced on Friday, May 15, guidance for the state's Phase 1 rolling reopening plan that will begin on June 1. "We're all ready to get our economy going again, and to spend more time with our friends and loved ones," said Governor Carney. "Since Day 1 of this crisis, Delaware's response to COVID-19 has been driven by the science. We can't have a healthy, functioning economy again until our communities are healthy. There is good news. Delawareans have worked together, stayed home, and saved lives. Your actions have driven down cases and hospitalizations statewide. That will help us reopen Delaware's economy safely in the coming weeks - while protecting the most vulnerable Delawareans."
"As we move through this rolling reopening, we have to stay vigilant," said Governor Carney. "We have to keep our distance from one another. Wash our hands frequently. Wear face coverings in public places. This is an unusual time, for sure. But these basic precautions will help us limit the spread of COVID-19 and protect Delawareans."
Individuals still must wear masks when out in public and adhere to all social distancing guidelines and hygiene protocols. Businesses must also make sure that proper sanitation measures are followed. The Phase 1 guidelines list different rules governing different sectors of business such as arts and culture, food and drink, retail, malls, consumer services, realty, casinos, child care, youth sports, etc. Any business that is permitted to reopen will had some sort of capacity limitation. They are different for each segment but most are around 30%. Many services will also be permitted by appointment or reservation only, including restaurants, hair salons, and tanning salons. No walk-ins will be permitted. Anyone who has been telecommuting for work should continue to do so. Employers will also have to close off common areas where employees may congregate like break rooms.
SEE PHASE 1 GUIDANCE: https://governor.delaware.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2020/05/Delaware-Economic-Reopening-Guidance_Phase.pdf |
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