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Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf Releases 'Plan for Pennsylvania - Relief, Reopening, and Recovery' |
by: iradioal - Philadelphia, PA started: 04/17/20 8:41 pm | updated: 04/17/20 8:41 pm |
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf released a plan that outlines how he sees the state eventually coming out of this lockdown safely and reopening the shuttered economy after the coronavirus COVID-19 crisis. He says this is just a 'framework' and more details will be coming. "Unfortunately, we cannot flip a switch and reopen the commonwealth. There isn't going to be one big day, we need to make smart, data-driven decisions," Wolf said. "We will rely upon quantifiable criteria to drive a targeted, evidence-based, regional approach to reopening in Pennsylvania." He outlined a three part plan for Relief, Reopening, and Recovery.
The Relief Phase paints a broad brush to ensure individuals, businesses, and healthcare systems are being taken care of under the dual threat of the heath care crisis and economic meltdown. The plan addresses food insecurity, student loan debt, unemployment compensation, medical insurance, and education. Small businesses have a wide variety of programs for loans and grants available. The state is also working to keep the heath care system running and supplied.
The Reopening Phase currently does not have any dates or timelines. The guidance for reopening the economy on a regional basis still has to be developed. However, it will follow these six standards:
1) Our approach will be data driven and reliant upon quantifiable criteria to drive a targeted, evidence-based, regional approach to reopenings in Pennsylvania.
2) We will put forth guidance and recommendations for employers, individuals, and health care facilities and providers for assured accountability as we reopen.
3) Reopening necessitates that adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) and diagnostic testing are available.
4) Reopening requires a monitoring and surveillance program that allows the commonwealth to be deploy swift actions for containment or mitigation.
5) Protections for vulnerable populations must remain steadfast throughout the reopening process, such as limitations on visitors to congregate care facilities and prisons.
6) Limitations on large gatherings unrelated to occupations should remain in place for the duration of the reopening process.
The Recovery Phase aims at enacting policies for individuals, employers, and health care systems that may put society in a better position if a total shutdown of life ever happens again. For individuals some of these include a higher minimum wage, expanded paid sick/family leave, strengthened unemployment, training for educators on remote learning, etc. For businesses, incentives and funding for those that convert to producing or donating disaster related goods. For health care, coverage that is affordable and available to all Pennsylvanians and expanded telehealth.
More specific steps are expected next week. If you look at the map below, you could see how some counties may be ready to reopen before others. That is why this plan will be enacted regionally, instead of across the whole state at the same time. However, "There is no magic wand to wave to get us back to where we want to be," Wolf said. "There's not going to be one big day."
SEE THE FULL 'Plan for Pennsylvania': https://www.governor.pa.gov/plan-for-pennsylvania/
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