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Obama At Eakins Oval, PA State Education Appeal, Eight Days A Week The Touring Years Movie
  by: Rebel - Havertown, PA
started: 09/13/16 1:37 am | updated: 09/13/16 1:37 am
President Barack Obama will be in Philadelphia on Tuesday campaigning for Hillary Clinton. The president will be promoting voter registration. President Obama will speak on Eakins Oval in front of the Art Museum at 1:45 p.m., in an event that is free and open to the public. This is the first time Obama will campaign for Clinton on his own - a move that is actually quite rare in presidential politics. The president previously appeared with Clinton in North Carolina and headlined a fundraiser for her in August, but on Tuesday he'll leverage his personal popularity here to try to boost registration and turnout. That's considered the key to winning Pennsylvania, where Clinton leads in recent polls by an average of six points, thanks largely to Democratic strongholds in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The campaign recommends arriving early to clear security and notes no signs, coolers, large bags, umbrellas, water bottles, chairs or sharp objects are allowed.

Meeting in Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is set to hear arguments Tuesday in an appeal brought by advocates who say the state’s education funding is inadequate. The suit brought by six school districts two years ago claimed the state was violating the Pennsylvania constitution by failing to provide enough money for schools. The Public Interest Law Center is also representing the plaintiffs. The state is arguing against a full trial in Commonwealth Court. Governor Tom Wolf’s spokesman Jeff Sheridan says the judicial branch should not overreach its authority. Commonwealth Court, last year, turned down the suit, saying school funding was a legislative responsibility. The narrow issue before the Supreme Court on Tuesday is: Should the plaintiffs get a full trial in Commonwealth Court?

A new documentary about The Beatles from director Ron Howard will be Premiering in Philadelphia on Saturday. It’s called Eight Days a Week: The Touring Years, and it promises to tell the story you don’t know about the biggest band that ever was, during the first part of their career. In 1964, Larry Kane was a cub radio reporter whom The Beatles invited to witness the British Invasion. Of course, he went. What he found was a four-piece oozing sex appeal and musical mastery at a time when this country needed the diversion. "Ron Howard managed to bring you back in time, after the assassination of a president, the war in Vietnam, the nation is simmering with tension," Kane explained. "And The Beatles were the ultimate shared experience." But he also uncovered that the band went deeper than the blood-curdling screams. "They said there is no way we're going to play in that venue if anyone is prevented from seeing us and sitting with other people because of the color of their skin," Kane recalled. Throughout the film, we share Kane's front-row seat. "What you see in this rare footage, is you’re close-up on the faces of the Beatles on-stage," Kane said. "You see what an incredible band they were. And then there’s a dramatic conclusion to this movie that will leave some people in tears. They performed their last and final concert in a very unusual venue." Eight Days A Week: The Touring Years opens at the Prince Theater in Center City and streams on Hulu on Saturday.


Phillies 6 Pirates 2


Sunny. High 85 in Center City
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